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Suggested Websites

Before you begin searching the internet, ask yourself the following question:
How do you know you are getting high-quality, accurate, trustworthy information from a website?
If you aren't sure, review the information in the RADAR Framework for source evaluation. 
Feeling confident about your source evaluation skills? Test your knowledge with a quick quiz or the more advanced RADAR Challenge.
source eval checklist google doc.jpg
Use the fillable checklist to evaluate your websites and organize your information
Looking for a service or product to advertise in your newspaper?
Take a look at New York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art History Timeline for a glimpse of products that were sold and traded in Classical Ancient Greece.
Need a headline?
Check out the Ancient Greece timeline from the Canadian Museum of History. Be sure to scroll down to the Classical Period (490-323BCE).
Need a variety of topics?
Explore a range of topics and events that might make the front page of your newspaper.

Advanced Google Searching

Ready to move beyond the suggested websites?
Not sure how to get the best results the first time you search?
Click the image below to access LBSS Library's Advanced Google Searching website.
NOTE: you MUST be logged into FCPS Google Apps for Education to view this website.
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